Aleinu, 2020

Aleinu is a Jewish prayer that is said at the end of services. Its basic premise is that it is incumbent upon us to praise God, the King of all Kings, and looks forward to a time when all humanity will be united in the service of One God.

I recently took a course on this prayer, at the end of which the Rabbi invited us to write our own. Below is my Aleinu for our times.

Aleinu, 2020

What part of “upon us” do you not understand?

The part about sending thoughts and prayers instead of taking assault weapons out of the hands of school shooters?

The part about objecting to a homeless shelter because “those people” are bad for the neighborhood, forgetting that you are just one disaster away from being one of them?

The part about buying an SUV you don’t need that despoils the earth you were charged to protect?

The part about averting your eyes from the lines at the food bank on your way to pick up take-out?

The part about issuing a statement of solidarity with Black Lives Matter without changing your own behavior?

What part of “upon us” do you not understand?

What are you doing while you wait for the King of Kings of Kings?

Not marching for gun control.

Not providing for the homeless.

Not reducing your carbon footprint.

Not feeding the hungry.

Not facing your own racism.

How will you explain yourself to the One God?