Mother's Day

My daughter and I celebrated Mother’s Day at Bondhu, a venue that “brings thoughtful design, global perspectives, learning and love” to “food experiences.” As usual, Chef Farah Momen created a menu that combined flavors and cultures with her own brand of whimsy. For example, our first course was the “Anna Jarvis Plate.”  This did not mean anything to me until Farah explained that Anna Jarvis was the woman who helped create Mother’s Day. Jarvis had intended it to be a day of solemn observances in honor of our mothers. She was appalled at the commercialization that immediately ensued and even lobbied, obviously without success, to have the holiday rescinded. Today, Americans spend over $20 billion on Mother’s Day cards, flowers, candy, and other gifts.

As much as I too might mourn the commercialization of this and other holidays, (not to mention the fact that our country honors mothers one day a year and treats women like second class citizens every other day), I would have been very disappointed to have missed today’s meal, as well as my roses, chocolate covered strawberries, and hokey cards.

I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I did!