Book the Flight

Inside the wrapper of the chocolate I treat myself to every night is a message. Most of them are cliched, but one, attributed to Bri M. from Michigan, grabbed me:

Book the flight

Book the flight because you deserve it. You can take the time and spend the money. Work, family and all your other obligations will be there when you get back. They can manage without you.

Book the flight and have an adventure. Go somewhere new and exciting, somewhere on your bucket list or somewhere you have never imagined. It’s already further than a car ride, so make it count.  

Book the flight because this pandemic will end. I canceled a flight to California for a three-week vacation in March and another to Florida for my granddaughter’s high school graduation in May. The vacation is easy to replace, the graduation is lost. I don’t know when I will see my family again, but we will be together, in person, to create new memories.

Book the flight because there is hope.