A Love Letter

Today is D-Day. It is also the anniversary of my grandfather’s death. In 1945 he wrote to my father, then serving in Europe, about his joy that Germany had surrendered. We found the letter after my father died. The letter, and the fact that my father saved it, revealed a bond I never would have known existed between them.                                                                                                           

New York, May 7, 1945

My dear son,

Thank God, we lived to see the complete surrender of the German beasts. Today America celebrates V-E-Day. And we pray to God to bring us V-J-Day soon. It is wonderful, very wonderful! Our hearts are overwhelmed with joy.

Son, I just can’t concentrate on writing today. I know that I want the impossible right now – I want wings to fly to you, embrace you, hold you tight in my arms, and kiss you, and kiss you as I never did before. God, thank you for showing us your mercy so far!

Son, accept this time a short letter. Hope to write more tomorrow. Be well, son. Take care of yourself. Good luck to you.

With love, as ever, Dad

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