Posts in writing
A Lost Art

Anna Quindlen’s latest book, Write for Your Life, is a paean to the lost art of personal writing. After the “democratization” of writing, says Quindlen, “Writing was a kind of handshake or embrace: Hello, I see you, I want to know and understand you. I want to understand myself.”

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Butt in Chair

Every successful writer offers some variation of this piece of advice from Anne Lamott:

How to write: Butt in chair. Start each day anywhere. Let yourself do it badly. Just take one passage at a time. Get butt back in chair.

This my work chair, without my butt in it, because lately it’s been empty a lot.

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Bad News.

All news interests me. I read the NY Times and my local newspaper, The Berkshire Eagle, daily. I follow NPR. But right now, I wish I could block it all out. The war in Ukraine, climate change, racism, antisemitism, misogyny, conspiracy theories, partisan politics. COVID...

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