Good Will at Goodwill

Yesterday I took several bags of clothes to Goodwill. They were specifically for Suit Yourself, a program that provides professional clothing for clients entering or reentering the workforce, along with resume and cover letter writing, interviewing skills and assistance with job searches.

I had given away most of my work clothes when I retired, but there were still some “just in case” items I now realize I will never need, and several pairs of high heels my aching bone-on-bone knee will not allow me to wear.  Fortunately, I never worked in a very formal environment, so what I donated will be useful for women dressing for success during and post COVID.

I have been to Goodwill donation centers many times. What set this one apart was the attendant who greeted me. I have no idea if she was a volunteer, a client, or paid staff, but she could definitely be a trainer for Suit Yourself, or for any other business for that matter. She was masked, but her eyes were smiling and her voice was pleasant. She expressed appreciation on behalf of the program and the clients who would benefit. She created a personal connection and I left feeling that I had done something worthwhile. It was nice to be thanked – but I owe her a thank you as well. Her friendly attitude set the tone for the rest of my day.